Summer 2020
Welcome back to The Golden Sheaf Gallery and Emporium, we are so delighted to see you all again! The last few months have been the most unsettling and undoubtedly the strangest of times we have all had to live through together and to some extent the uncertainty continues. However, right now we are embracing the ‘go-ahead’ light we were given in June and to us right now, that light feels nothing less than brilliant, warm sunshine! We hope you have all kept safe and well and are as happy as we are to begin a journey towards a somewhat normal life again.
Both of our stores are brimming with new and wonderful things for you to enjoy and with your well-being at the forefront, we have implemented as many safety measures as possible inside both of our stores: a one-way shopping system, hand sanitising stations, screens, masks and social distancing monitoring. We want you to feel confident and happy as you browse and shop with us, but, if you are feeling uncertain about venturing out, we are offering a call and collect service: gorgeous gift boxes with a selection of products chosen by us are ready to go, or alternatively, choose what you would like to go inside and we will create and wrap them beautifully for you. Our hours have changed temporarily to Monday -Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm so please give us a call between those times and we will always be happy to help ☺️
During lockdown we launched a hugely successful photography competition on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Thank you so much to everyone who took part, your wonderful photos really lifted everybody’s spirits and the enthusiasm for voting in the latter stages of the contest was quite simply amazing! We handed the final decision over to highly-acclaimed, local photographer David Wilson, who chose Kieran Russell’s ‘Dragon’ from the ‘Lockdown Walk’ category.
Of the winning photo, David said:
“ There were a lot of great photographs entered into this competition and it was difficult to choose a winner. But from the shortlist I chose the flag and the coastal sunset as I felt it encapsulated a feeling of release and freedom, which I think after all of the lockdown restrictions, is welcomed by us all. ”
Congratulations to Kieran who travelled down from North Wales to spend his £150 clothing voucher prize! It was great to meet him and we hope he enjoys wearing his fabulous new clothes.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date with news, products and competitions.
Thank you all so much for following us and staying in touch, your support, as always, means the world to us. We look forward to you popping in to say hello, we will be thrilled to see you.
Love always The Gallery Girls ❤️