This May...


...has found us in the most unusual of places. Lockdown continues and all of us feel uncertain and truly shaken at what is happening in the world outside, and of course, by the ‘world outside’ we really do mean the whole wide world. We are all trying our best to travel this road the best way we can with whatever vehicle we’ve been given, whilst reminding ourselves that our priority must be to keep ourselves, our loved ones and our communities safe.

And what wonderful communities we all have! If there is anything truly amazing about this awful situation, it is surely seeing how so many people from so many countries have helped each other in every way they can: supplies left on doorsteps, medicines collected for those stuck at home, buildings turned into respite centres, social media groups communicating with neighbours making sure nobody is in trouble, comedians and singers and teachers raising spirits on YouTube, key workers putting others before themselves and Captain Tom Moore, our hero at 100 years of age proving to the world that it is NEVER too late to achieve the remarkable.


Here in Narberth our community is no exception. We have always been proud of our townsfolk, our ability to pull together and our passion for following our dreams. It is a unique little town with a High Street brimming with artisans and creators and retailers who have poured their hearts, souls and every penny into what they believe in. Quite simply, we all love what we do and we enjoy sharing our dreams with you. Relationships with our customers go above and beyond just buying and selling. We have become friends who care about each other and we seem to have a mutual understanding that small, independent businesses are what gives a town its character.

We can’t deny that we are all now afraid for the future of these dreams and this is where you come in. By supporting local, you will be directly putting money straight back into your communities. You will be keeping culture, individuality and creativity alive and reaching out to those of us who have fought very hard to bring you our visions. We have always appreciated your love and support and we just ask that, when these days are over, you kindly do so again. We need you.


Here at The Golden Sheaf Gallery and Emporium we have always championed small businesses, artists and makers and have strived for nearly 30 years to bring you individuality, quality and beauty. We will make the same promise to you, our dear customers and cherished makers that we will continue to support you all, as we always have done, for as long as we are able to do so.

Thank you for keeping us thriving for so many years and we really, really hope to see you all soon. Stay safe!

With love

Suzi and The Gallery Girls xx

jacques boissevain